What Gives Android Application Development Such A Cult Status?
If you pick any smartphone, the chances are in eight out of ten, it will be an android powered phone. Currently, android supports hundreds of millions of mobile devices in almost over 190 countries around the world. There is no other application that supports more mobile devices than android, and It is still growing at an unbelievable pace. Every day, more than a million users switch on their Android devices for the first time and start getting connected to apps, games, and multiple digital content.
It’s an android application that gives you a platform of the highest quality for creating apps and games for mobile users everywhere. Let’s try to find out why android applications became so popular among users.
Large User Base
Android, a modified avatar of the Linux kernel is the most popular mobile operating system. It’s primarily designed for touchscreen mobile phones, tablets and other such devices. In the last few years, it has rapidly become the fastest-growing mobile Operating System. It’s the transparency of android that has made it the most preferred application base for consumers and developers alike, driving phenomenal growth in app consumption. Everyday, millions of apps and games are downloaded by android users from Google Play Store.
Android and its partners are busy pushing the limits of hardware and software forward to bring new features to users and developers. Developers love it because android allows them to build powerful and differentiated applications with the help of the latest mobile technologies.
Fast innovation
Android is known for innovation, and continuously keeps updating its product for a better user-friendly experience. It’s ideal for developers too since the rapid evolution of Android technology keeps them at the forefront with powerful, differentiated applications.
Android is a gateway to the latest technologies and innovations across a multitude of devices, chipset architectures, and price points. Android offers a range of innovations, starting from multicourse processing and high-performance graphics to state-of-the-art sensors, vibrant touch screens, and emerging mobile technologies.
Powerful framework
With android, you get everything you need to create best-in-class app experiences. It has just one application model that lets you enable your apps to hundreds of millions of users across a wide range of devices — from mobiles to tablets and beyond. Android App development also helps you create apps that look awesome and work in tandem with the hardware capabilities available on each device. It seamlessly adapts your UI to perform at its best on every device. At the same time, it gives you as much control as you want over your UI on different types of device.
For instance, with a single app you can optimize both phone and tablet. You can declare your UI in lightweight sets of XML resources, with one set meant for parts of the UI that are common to all form factors while the other sets for optimizations specific to phones or tablets. Eventually, android will apply the correct resource sets based on its screen size, density, locale, etc.
Open Market for your apps
Google Play is the most important marketplace for selling Android apps. Therefore, by publishing an app on Google Play, you reach the mammoth installed base of Android. Being an open marketplace, Google Play gives you complete control of how you sell and distribute your products. It’s entirely up to you – how you want to publish, whenever you want, how often you want, and which customers you want. You can virtually distribute to every market or focus on the specific segments, devices, or ranges of hardware capabilities.
You can monetize in the way that suits your business of Android Application development services — at a price or free, inbuilt with apps or subscriptions — for bringing highest engagement and revenues. You can have full control over the pricing of your apps and in-app products. Moreover, you can also set or change prices in any supported currency at any time.
Besides, helping to grow your customer base, Google Play also supports you in building visibility and engagement across your apps and brand. As your apps become more popular, Google Play gives them higher priority in their weekly “top” charts and rankings, and for the best apps promotional slots in curated collections.Google Play is an integral part of billions of Android devices around the world, and that can be a very powerful growth engine for your business.
Frequent app launches and updates
Developers are motivated by the android mobile OS to come out with new and innovative apps that target the particular segment of mobile users. Moreover, the lack of the strict copyright restrictions make it easy for the mobile app development companies to launch the apps at Google Play. The app developers only need to comply with the content and ad policy of Google. Many developers use this opportunity to upgrade their existing apps with new features to impress their old customers. The frequent launch of new apps together with updating of old apps is also one of the reasons why android apps are very popular.
Free apps
One of the benefits of having an Android OS is that it provides many free apps for the users, and that makes the android apps quite popular. It is only understandable for users to download such apps because it doesn’t cost them a penny. There are thousands of such apps in the Google Play store. Therefore, if users are happy with their performance, they will continue using them. And if there is cost involved, the users can first check out the free versions and if they are satisfied, they can always upgrade to the paid version.
Advancements in technology have further boosted the popularity of the android application. Android apps are also compatible with Windows OS with the help of “Wine” software. Such cross compatibility of the apps make it comparatively easier for the users to access the apps they like without even considering the model of the smartphone and the Operating System.
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