Chemistry Tables For Kids and School Reviews For Parents On A Single Platform

Chemistry can be hard for a few of us. Especially when we try to understand how the chemistry periodic table works. It can be difficult to remember the names of all the elements and their atomic mass, their symbol, and so on. There has to be an easier way!

Before we explore our options, let’s understand what the periodic table is in the first place. 

What is the periodic table?

Imagine the periodic table to be an arrangement of all the elements. They are arranged in tabular format according to their atomic number and other chemical properties. There are 118 elements in the periodic table currently. Of these, the first 94 naturally exist and the remaining 24 have been synthesized. 

Why do students need the periodic table? 

If you study chemistry, then learn to make the periodic table your best friend. Simply because it has all the information you need to solve your chemistry problems. That way, the periodic table is great for problem-solving. 

But the real problem is when you need to refer to or ‘read’ the periodic table. That’s where many students are stuck. Schools no longer need students to memorize anything, however, being able to quickly read it and apply it to your exercises is the skill you need to develop as a student. 

Dynamic chemistry periodic table to the rescue

What if you found a dynamic chemistry periodic table online? All you have to do then is enter the name of the element you need information on and the dynamic table will throw open your answer. 

What are the features of the dynamic periodic table?

This interactive and dynamic periodic table from SchoolMyKids makes reading faster and easier. Not just that, the table lets you learn the name, atomic number, electrons, protons, isotopes, and every other relevant property of these elements. 

Moreover, you can also identify the groups of the elements, their charges, their electronic configurations, the trends in the periodic table, their atomic mass, and so much more using this super dynamic periodic table online. 

How to use this dynamic periodic table? 

Simply click on the element you want to learn more about or type the name, and you will be able to access all the information associated with it. Top schools in the country are already using this table in their chemistry classrooms. 

How can you write a review about your school?

In addition to using this interactive periodic table, you can also review your school on SchooMyKids. Let the entire world know what you like about your school, the different activities they organize, the lessons they teach and so much more. 

Not just that, you can also rate different parameters of your school and help other students and parents make an informed decision about their education. 

Feedback from your parents about your school  

You can also encourage your parents to write their reviews and give their ratings. Feedback for the school from parents is very crucial and serves as an excellent reference point for other parents who want to enrol their child in that particular school. 

How do these school reviews help? 

Through SchoolMyKids, parents and students can find a review on many top schools in India. They can use that information to: 

Find the best school in India 

Many parents can filter by the board, level, facilities, postal code, and much more to shortlist the best schools in the country for their children. 

Read truthful reviews 

They can go through the review of public and private schools in India and understand what different parents have to say about each of them. 

Write relevant reviews 

On the flip side, they too can write reviews about their child’s current or former schools and help other parents arrive at this crucial decision of ‘which school for my child?’

Get admission-related information 

Parents can be better prepared for the admission procedure of different schools by reading up the same on SchoolMyKids. 

List your child’s school 

You can use the website as a student or a parent to list your or your child’s school. You can then share the URL with others in your circle or network and ask them for their ratings and reviews of the school. 

Finding a good school is not as easy as it used to be. Moreover, relying on your friends’ or colleagues’ recommendations alone might not help. Sometimes, what works for them might not work for your child. So, one must keep in mind the abilities and interests of the child and pick a school that can help enhance your child’s unique personality and help them hone skills that prepare them for a fast-paced, ever-changing world. 

An easier way to do that is to look up various schools on SchoolMyKids!