Archives April 2024

A B C of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing can often be daunting when you’re just new and trying to understand the basics. But before going any further about this important marketing tool, let’s familiarize ourselves with the complex vocabulary and acronyms that come with it. I am taking liberty to reproduce a content taken from connected India website, a social media app that explains some key elements of digital marketing.

Digital Marketing is still evolving, and  that means we’re still adding new definitions and terms. Let us create a quick and simple digital marketing glossary, and identify key terminology within their respective departments..


Animated GIF: 

It’s a graphics interchange format file that comes as a graphic image on a Web page with movement. These loops have a tendency to move either back and forth or get repeated. GIFs can be illustrated and are also present in live-action video content.


RGB (red, green, and blue) and CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) are the preferred colour models. RGB is actually an additive colour model in which red, green, and blue light are added together in different ways to reproduce a broad choice of colours. This is clearly the most widely used colour model. While CMYK  belongs to subtractive colour model that is preferred for printing and it also describes the printing process itself.


When various elements are placed together, you get a perception of a unified whole. For example, when you arrange a set of arrows in a circle pointing outward, you get an image resembling a sun.

Hanging punctuation: 

It’s a form of typesetting punctuation to create a solid edge of letters in a left, or right-justified block of text by placing punctuation right into the margin.


It’s a visual representation of data or other important details in a comprehensive, and structured way that uses key design techniques while conveying an overarching trend.

Interactive infographic: 

This is infographic with interactive capabilities like form fills. 


It denotes spacing between letters. The spacing can also be adjusted accordingly to enhance the readability factor.


This is a method by which graphics are arranged in such a way that it conveys a particular style or a concept that is usually presented to clients. The objective behind this exercise is to eliminate the guesswork and get approval to move forward without significant work up-front. Most digital agencies utilize such online tools instead of actual bulletin boards with cutout magazine pictures.


This is a technique by which parts of an image is made transparent by cutting out specific images without removing them from the source material.

Raster graphic: 

This is a type of graphic that cannot be scaled up without becoming pixelated. Some of the examples of such graphic would be a photograph in jpg, or.pdf format.

Source files: 

Graphics are first created by design programs which are subsequently exported into a flat image. The file that is used in the design program is called the source file. A designer can either use an existing source file to adjust the image or get something extra from one image to apply to another.


This represents the dimensions and destinations of the graphic in the relevant measuring unit. For example, the file size used for graphics on Twitter is 1000 x 500 px. 

Vector graphic: 

They are graphics based on paths and points that have fixed x and y values. However, vectors can be easily scaled up and down without compromising quality. Some of the examples of vector graphic would be a logo or digital illustration in .ai, .eps, or.png format.

Digital Advertising : 


This is the amount you offer to pay per action. Some platforms have an option of automatic bidding, that optimizes your bid to help reach objectives. This keeps a check over how much you pay for each click, view-through, or other objective. By opting for manual bidding, you can pick to target maximum bid.


These are customer-completed actions, similar to a cart on an e-commerce website while purchasing or adding items.

Cost per action: 

This is the average amount paid for each action people take on ads. Therefore, what you pay depends on who you target and at the same time how many other advertisers are competing to show their ads to your audience. Usually, well-designed ads encourage people to take action. So, more actions you receive, the lower would be your cost per action.

Advantages of Cross-platform Mobile App and its Popular Tools

Digital revolution has redefined the future of our industries, society, and economy as a whole. New technologies and innovative mobile apps have been significantly changing the way we work and live today. Mobility is fast becoming essential for every application and digital product that organizations offer. Companies are now adopting the mobile first approach to remain ahead of their competitors. Every organization is planning to connect to a larger audience through an intuitive app that runs without glitch on multiple mobile platforms.

However, with so much diversity in devices, platforms, versions, operating systems, companies are clueless whether to choose a cross-platform app or a native app. This has always been a challenge for most developers and companies to find the best development approach as there are advantages and disadvantages with both approaches.

Presently, the mobile marketplace is widely fragmented due to the presence of different devices with a variety of interfaces, languages, and SDKs. It’s a herculean task for organizations to develop a versatile app that can run on multi platforms. Therefore, the concept of cross-platform mobile app is fast gaining currency as it allows the developer to code once and deploy app across various platforms. 

Some developers prefer a native app while others believe that developing a cross-platform app makes more sense. But it cannot be denied that developing a cross-platform app has more potential to tap the greater market. A multi platform app allows the developers to create an application using a single language for scripting that includes CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. It also increases productivity and motivates developers to come up with a high quality app that works equally well on iOSAndroid or Windows device.

Advantages of developing a cross-platform mobile app?

  • Reusable code: The development of cross-platform mobile app simplifies the task of maintaining and deploying codes and also eliminates repetitive tasks. Developers can easily reuse the codes for other platforms instead of writing a new code for specific task or action.
  • Saving cost: It is far economical for companies to build a cross-platform mobile app and leverages a single codebase. They do not need to invest a fortune to get an app and also the same developers can be leveraged to work on various platforms, instead of having a dedicated team for each platform like we get in the current native scene.
  • Easier to market: Cross-platform app development framework leverages the unified codebase that enables businesses to fast track the mobile application development and timely delivery of the app for its customers.
  • Easier to deploy: Most apps offer a modules and extension that seamlessly integrate with other tools to improve its functionality and appearance. It is relatively easier for the developers to deploy and maintain codes for apps to run across all platforms. Moreover, the latest updates allows app to get easily synced across multiple devices and platforms.
  • Consistency: One of the most important qualities for any app is its User Experience (UX). The single codebase used to develop a multi-platform app helps in maintaining the overall look and feel and consistency of the app on most platforms.

Popular Approaches of developing App

One of the major issues that developers encounter while working on a mobile app is the different models of mobile phones that need to be supported. Despite the fact that the most popular platform for apps supports android, it’s no longer enough.  Window and iOS are worthy competitors, and the iPad presents different options and possibilities that often require developing their own app experiences. To make a mobile app truly dynamic, you need to support every platform that users normally use. 

Currently, we lack the technology to create an app that magically works on most platforms and on all mobile devices. Though, developers are working hard to achieve this milestone, it will take some time. Meanwhile, there are two popular approaches that are currently adopted.

In the first approach, a driver is provided for each phone that gives access to, accelerometer and GPS from by using languages such as JavaScript, Ruby and Python. Through this approach, a developer can write the app in a scripting language along with HTML and CSS that can be easily run on phones that is equipped with the driver.

The second approach is to first write the app in one language and subsequently get it translated to other languages that are compatible with other phones. This helps a developer to create the app, say for the android devices and run it through a tool to produce versions that could run on other platforms.

There are other ways to develop an app through HTML5, which is an advanced version of HTML that could provide direct APIs to GPS and other mobile-specific features. But the problem with HTML5 is that its standard is yet to be finalised and there are not many devices supporting it. However, an app could be still created by using this method that can run on all phones as well as support most.

Pros and Cons

There are both positives and negatives about the current and future options. The main advantages of using such technologies lies in easy marketing and maintenance of a single app instead of doing it for multiple apps.

Other advantages are uniformity of look and feel across different devices, support for flexible layout and use of existing technologies. Great mobile developers are rarity but it is relatively easier to find web developers who are familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Python or other scripting languages.

The major disadvantage, apart from not supporting every platform, is the limitation of what driver or translator is able to handle. You may not be able to access local storage, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or something similar that may not be available on most phones. Then there are issues like performance because the code that is either translated or written in a script language needs to be interpreted, and may not be optimized for a given phone.

The multi-platform development approach is a widely accepted across the world since it makes the entire development process agile. Before taking a decision whether the multi-platform approach is the right strategy, it is important for companies to understand the users’ needs. The smartest approach should be to study and analyze various parameters such as customer types, diverse mobile devices, range of supported platforms, and customers’ interaction with apps, etc. to find out whether a cross-platform solution is the right choice.

Solar Panel Price in Delhi is within the Reach of Most People

How does a solar panel system work?

If you stay in the NCR and want to install even a tiny 225-watt solar panel system at home, it’s a great idea to invest because the Solar Panel Price in Delhi is very affordable. Here, you can buy solar power products from online stores and a local solar power shop in Delhi. Lately, solar Energy has become increasingly popular as a source of renewable Energy in Delhi. There are many reasons why people prefer solar Energy for their homes. It allows them to reduce their energy costs and a chance to fulfill their responsibility as model citizens. We all know that solar power is the cleanest energy source because of its environmentally friendly qualities.

Solar Energy is the cleanest form of Energy 

solar panel system and is ideal for generating solar Energy for businesses or homeowners to generate clean and renewable electricity through sunlight. A solar system has photovoltaic (PV) panels that convert sunlight into DC electricity, eventually converted into AC electricity through an inverter. It’s important to note that we can only use AC-type electricity at home to run our appliances. In modern homes, almost every electronic gadget or appliance, such as a computer, tablet, mobile phone, air conditioner, room cooler, heater, geyser, refrigerator, and washing machine, is operated by electricity. Depending on the application, You can use solar power to run these appliances or send them to the electrical grid.

In a solar panel system, once sunlight strikes the photovoltaic cells in the panel, the sun’s Energy generates an electric field. The electric field succeeds in releasing the electron from the atom and eventually removes it from its orbit. The electron starts moving and forms an electric current in the panel. This electric current can now power various electrical applications at home or perform more extensive industrial activities. 

Solar Panel Price In Delhi 

However, the Solar panel price in Delhi depends on multiple factors. A solar system includes many essential components like a solar panel, inverter, battery, electrical fittings, and the type of installation. The most critical element is the solar panel. Hence, the size, quality, brand, and capacity of a solar panel affect the price of the solar system. Typically, the cost of a single 225-watt solar panel in Delhi varies from Rs. 15000 to Rs. 25000. The Location of the solar panel also affects the prices of Solar systems in Delhi. For example, the cost of a roof-mounted system will be different from a ground-mounted solar system.

Monthly Saving by Choosing Solar Power In Delhi

You may wonder how much money we can save monthly by installing solar power at home. The following table will give you an idea. 

System Units Saving  Rs
1 kw 5 Units 30-40/day    
1 kw 150 Units 900-1200/month  
1 kw 1800 Units10800-14400 per year
It’s evident that choosing solar Systems for your home can save you a lot of money on your monthly electricity bills.
Benefits of Solar Power

Here are some key benefits of solar power at home.

  • Solar Energy does not incur charges. Hence, you can reduce your consumption from the outside supply and pay lower electricity bills.
  • Solar Energy is not only the cleanest form of Energy but also pollution-free and reliable. It also helps improve the environment by reducing pollution and adverse environmental impacts.
  • With an excellent energy system in your house, your property value is increased.
  • You can still power your appliances if the outside electricity goes down.
  • Solar panels require less maintenance and upkeep because they last more than 30 years. 
  • The installation of solar panels in Delhi helps create energy security in the city due to its renewable nature and helps sustain the energy supply for extended periods.
  • Solar power also reduces your electricity expenditure in the long run because solar energy free, unlike conventional sources.
  • Solar Energy creates many employment opportunities and contributes to the country’s economic development.

After reading this article, you will realize the immense benefits of solar power. In case you are still trying to figure it out, begin with a mini 225 watt solar panel at your home and see how useful it is.

Why is mental health important & Why you need a soulmate?

Mental health is essentially about how people think, feel and act as they face real life situations. Our mental health decides how we cope up with stress, relate with each other and make decisions. Mental health also influences the way individuals look at themselves, their lives and those who constitute their lives. 

If physical health is important, mental health is more important at every stage of life. Moreover, both of them are intrinsically connected – because a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Mental Health Disorders are More pronounced among young people than many realize.

Many studies show that at least 1 in 5 adolescents have a mental health disorder at some time. Yet, even less than one in five of these children receive the mental health care they need. Among youth, at least 1 out of 10 has a serious emotional issue at any given time.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has a wise slogan, ‘No health without mental health.” Unfortunately, the stigma that so often surrounds mental health, millions of people shy away from receiving the help they desperately need and overlook this monumentally prevalent health issue. In the US, as per data from National Alliance on Mental Illness, in a normal year, almost one in five, or 18.5% of American adults experience mental illness issues. 

Some of the most common and widely reported mental illnesses include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, dementia, and eating disorders. Depression is clearly the most important cause of disability worldwide and is also the most significant contributor to the disease globally , greatly impacting people and their families emotionally, physically, socially, and also financially. Mental illness doesn’t spare anyone irrespective  of their race, age, gender, ethnicity, culture or sexual orientation.

Mental illness being so prevalent worldwide, it is crucial to recognize the early warning signs. One should look out for signs such as:

#Abnormal sleeping or eating patterns.

# Generally withdrawing from people.

# Lack of energy, and a feeling of helplessness.

#Feeling lost, confused, nervous, angry, or on the edge.

# Unable to do daily chores.

# Major mood swings, and 

thoughts of self-harm.

# Increase in drug or alcohol intake.

Why do we need a soul mate?

We often think of our life partner as the one who is also our soulmate. Alas! I wish this would have been true. In reality, a soulmate and life partner are two different things. A soulmate is someone, who has a direct connection to your soul and is there by your side forever. A soulmate not only compliments you, but also completes you and makes your life awesome  than it ever was.

The level of trust between soulmates is absolute, and just the ability to trust another person on so many levels makes life so much more beautiful and exciting. You are fortunate because you no longer have to search for that true love. You are living it every moment, every day.

We all need that one very special person who truly cares for us without having a reason, because we matter for them. This is one person who accepts us for who we are without any expectation to change us or being judgmental.

Although many matching sites claim to find your soulmate, they usually fail. However, I recently saw one ad for a new social app called Connectd India, and they promised a soulmate for a date. The idea seems interesting.

Watch Out For These 10 Lifestyle diseases

We normally assume that lifestyle diseases affect only adults. Unfortunately, this is not true because now even teenagers and young people suffer with such diseases that make their daily life quite challenging. There are many reasons for this change.

We have forgotten our earlier healthy lifestyle that put emphasis on consuming organic products, and making a balance between work and life. With technological advancements, we have become part of a rat race that promotes a more stressful social lifestyle with unhealthy eating habits and sleep cycle. We have stopped enjoying sports and outdoor activities, and our main source of entertainment is through numerous social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Houseparty, Connectd India and Tinder. We have become prisoners of our own creations.

Such a lifestyle has given rise to many diseases. Let’s find out which are those top 10 lifestyle disease that have become rampant in present time.

1. Obesity

Obesity has become the most common side effect of adopting the new social lifestyle that promotes excess consumption. Obesity is not only a disease in itself, but it also gives rise to many other lifestyle ailments like high blood pressure, diabetic, and heart diseases. We are quite familiar with what causes obesity, yet   we tend to ignore it. To find out whether you’re obese or not, the key factor is your BMI, and if it is higher than 25, you are in the obese category. Eating unhealthy food, stressful lifestyle, and reduced physical activities translates into obesity. It often creates other complications such as breathing issues, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, making you a sitting duck for  lifestyle diseases.

As per National Family Health Survey, India with 155 million obese people currently ranks second and this number is increasing at an alarming rate of 33-51% every year.

2. Type II diabetes:

As mentioned in the beginning, obesity is the primary causes of Type II diabetes. It occurs in adult because of poor eating habits and consuming excess of sugar, and embracing bad lifestyle choices. India is considered as the diabetic capital of the world having 41 million type II diabetic patients. Now, even children and young adults are falling prey to this debilitating disease. As a result, the number of diabetic people is constantly on a rise, and this must be a concern for the government and medical professionals. 

3. Arteriosclerosis:

It is caused by the thickening of arterial blood vessel. Arteriosclerosis leads to

blood circulation disorders, chest pain, and often heart attacks.

It’s also directly linked to obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure, and almosst 30-40% of cardiovascular deaths happen in the age group of 34-64 in India.

4. Heart diseases:

Heart disease are bane of modern lifestyle, and now even youngsters in their 20s and 30s fall prey to heart ailments. Our lifestyle has undergone a lot of change in the last two decades. Our work has become more demanding, our diet is mostly unhealthy, and we tend to overstretch ourselves, compromising our sleep pattern. All these trigger into heart diseases which ultimately may result in heart atracks. Heart attacks have become number one reason for premature deaths. Any irregularity or abnormality such as the blockage of arteries or blood veins that affects the heart muscle and blood vessel walls can be referred to as a heart disease. Instances of  smoking, high cholesterol level, and diabetes further add to complications.

High cholesterol (LDL) level significantly contribute to its development among people.  India has dubious distinction of being a country with 50 million heart patients.

5. High blood pressure:

High blood pressure has become so common, it has reached to epidemic proportions. There are more than 100 million people in India who suffer from high blood pressure. Some very common triggers for high blood pressure are namely high stress level, obesity, genetic factors and unhealthy eating habits. The normal blood pressure level is 120/80, and if any reading goes beyond this level, the person is supposedly suffering with high blood pressure. Although by little changes, and regular medication, it can be easily managed. 

6. Cancer:

This is the most dreaded disease for quite some time. But of late, the cases of cancer have surprisingly increased. A lot of it can be attributed to our eating habits that has made us addicted to junk food and unhealthy lifestyle. In earlier time, people mostly consumed homemade food, and stayed healthy but in the last few years, we developed fondness for the western food that is packed with unsaturated fats and other harmful ingredients. The lifestyle we lead is also very stressful, which has further eroded our immunity system. This makes white blood cells weaker, and they fail to fight the viruses that enter our body. This may lead to  irregular cell growth within our body which is  known as cancer, and it can affect any human organ such as lung, brain, kidney, abdomen, spleen or skin. There could be number of causes for cancer, but prolonged smoking is considered one the main reasons for lung cancer, and an excess exposure to the sun results in skin cancer.

7. Stroke:

Another lifestyle disease that became prevalent in last two decades is stroke. It occurs in people having unusually very high blood pressure especially when the blood vessel carrying blood to the brain has a blockage. This creates deficiency of oxygen in that particular area of brain it carried blood to, which leads to brain stroke. High blood pressure, if not managed with proper medications, can lead to a life threatening situation. Stroke can also happen because of hereditary reasons.

8. Obstructive pulmonary disease:

The permanent obstruction of the airways causes Obstructive Pulmonary disease. The increase in air pollution in last couple of years has added to the problem. Also incidents of gas leaks and smoking can worsen the situation. You can imagine how widely people are afflicted with COPD by having a look at the figures. There were 4.3 million people only in India in 2014 who  suffered with COPD.

9. Lever Cirrhosis:

Cirrhosis affects one of the most vital human organs called liver. It’s  defined as a type of liver disorder caused by heavy alcohol consumption and also as a result of chronic hepatitis. In present time, it’s increasingly becoming a common lifestyle disease as consumption of alcoholic drinks is continuously on the  rise. There are various reasons for this fatal attraction. Some people find it cool to consume alcohol frequently thinking it’s part and parcel of the modern lifestyle, while some do it because of the societal pressure, and there are those who consume alcohol to cope up with their stress. 

10. Nephritis:

It affects kidneys that act as our filtration system. So, when there is swelling in the kidneys leading to disruption in the normal function, it is known as nephritis. There could be many causes for nephritis, and one of them is having an allergic reaction to a medication or the antibiotic. Besides, it can also be caused by the bacterial infections, which may enter our system after consuming foods that are usually not prepared in hygienic conditions.

Homegrown Social Media Platforms Are Here To Stay

Social media landscape in India is dominated by big names like Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, and Twitter. For example, a popular channel like Facebook has more than 300 millions users while Whatsapp has another 400 millions. Even a Chinese app TikTok had 150 million users. Besides, there are millions who are active on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. Unfortunately, there is not even one Indian social media platform that is even closer to these behemoths in terms of popularity and user base.

Last year, in an unprecedented move, the government of India banned as many as 59 Chinese apps including the widely popular short video app TikTok. That was kind of an opportunity window, Indian developers had been looking for since long. Some smart entrepreneurs seized this opportunity to come out with their own app that can be truly described as the beginning of home grown Indian social media platforms. Let us discuss some of the leading names that have been creating a lot of buzz.

At present, with respect to the new IT act related to the functioning of social media, the government of India has taken a very strict stand against foreign based social channels like Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter. Therefore, time is ripe for domestic players to rise to the occasion and show to the entire world that when it comes to developing a versatile social media app, they are second to none, and they are quite capable of creating a product of international standard without any outside support.

The one name that comes right at the top is ShareChat, a short video, and picture sharing app. It is primarily a regional language social media platform that is changing the way in which the next billion users from India will interact on the internet.

ShareChat, the Bengaluru based app has over 60 million monthly active users spread across the country. It’s currently available in 15 Indian languages including Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi, Malayalam, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Odia, Kannada, Assamese, Haryanvi, Rajasthani, Bhojpuri and Urdu. In a very short period, it has become so popular that a brand as powerful as Twitter decided to come onboard when ShareChat raised $100 million of funding last year. The Indian app is silently leading a social media revolution with a strong focus on regional outreach keeping its unique identity intact. The current move of the central government against leading social media platforms that have serious privacy, cyber security and national security risks is commendable. It will be even better if they offer a helping hand to these homegrown social media channels because that will be also ideal for the growth of Indian startup ecosystem.

There is another very interesting app called Public, which is essentially a video-only social media platform. It has registered an impressive 50 million users who are creating more than one million videos every month. India has abundant talent and resources and the vacuum created by the TikTok ban is a blessing in disguise for Indian app makers to create products that have the potential to do well in the global market. Currently, Public app is available in five Indian languages: Hindi,  Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil and Telugu, and is aiming for over 100 million active users by the end of the year.

Another worth mentioning app is Roposo, which is a short-video making app. There have been more than 65 million downloads of this app in the country. Post ban on the Chinese apps, most ex TikTok users, and influencers with huge fan followings of their own, have migrated to Roposo in large numbers. According to Mayank Bhangadia, Roposo’s co-founder, it’s a clean and ethical platform. The objective of Roposo is to provide every talented Indian with an opportunity to grow rapidly.

There is another purely Indian social app called Chingari that is creating a lot of ripples among users.  It’s very similar to TikYok, the banned Chinese app. It has witnessed record number of downloads and over 2 million views per hour. The app was founded by  Biswatma Nayak and Siddharth Gautam last year and is currently trending at the top on Google Play Store, and has already been downloaded over 3 million times. The popularity of the app is attracting a lot of investors who may come on board to help scale up its operations.

Connectd India is another very exciting app which has positioned itself as an all-in-one app with features of many leading apps. The USP of this app is its unique feature of anonymous counseling service which will likely make it acceptable among youngsters.The future of home grown social media apps looks quite bright, and it will be interesting to see whether they will keep their focus primarily on the Indian users or will become truly global.

How Social Media Affects The Human Brain ?

What is that one activity you find common among most age groups? The answer is quite simple. It’s the use of social media. Everybody seems so enamoured by the attraction of social media. It doesn’t matter where you go – park, playground, cinema hall, club, airport, office, school or even your own sweet home, you will hardly find anyone without a mobile in their hands. And every now and then, they would be checking their social media updates. 

According to a Pew Research Center report of 2018, around 88% of people in the 18 to 29 years age group acknowledged using social media. In the age group of 30 to 49 years, it was 78%. Although in the higher age group the percentage decreased marginally, but not too much. There were 64% people in the age group of 50 to 64 years who were frequent users of social media. Why is there so much addiction to social media? How does it affect the human brain?

The continuous flow of communication and connection that we get from social media is changing the way we think and react. We are developing habits which are good as well as harmful for our mental health. From a neurological point of view, social media has a major impact on human’s brain functions. It affects the brain in different ways that can trigger various responses. Getting a positive reaction on social media affects many parts of the brain. So, when you get likes on Facebook and Instagram, it activates the striatum and ventral tegmental regions of your brain that acknowledges rewards and appreciation. The positive feedback on social media releases dopamine receptors which are G protein regulating motor activity and neurological disorders.

There was another experiment carried out by employing the MRI test to monitor brain activity during social media use and found similar results. Researchers also analyzed teenagers’ brains and discovered that after receiving more likes on their Instagram pictures, there was increased activity experienced in their neural regions of the brain that controls the reward processing, attention, and social cognition. The heavy users of social media should be aware of the consequences of the channels they use since it’s so closely connected to their reward system. Addiction to drugs and gambling have a direct connection to the reward system of an individual’s brain. Therefore, social media users need to be watchful of their activities on their preferred channel.

Social media also affects the decision making capacity and the parts of the brain controlling the emotional processing functions. In another experiment done on adolescents, it was found that whenever they felt left out on social media, it affected the emotional and sensory processing region of their brains. This happened when they were excluded from some chat, group or events on social media.

The research still seems to be in its initial stages as to how social media use affects the average human brain. Although we are now better informed than earlier, yet a lot still needs to be learned. 

Social Media Improves Awareness

Social Media is a very important tool that affects our life in many ways. It doesn’t matter wherever you are – US, Brazil, France, Italy, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, India, China or Japan, there is a very high probability that you may have an active presence on one or the other social media channel. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Whatsapp have not only connected people around the world but also entwined their lives. It has made us aware of people from different countries having their own languages and culture. Before, social media became such a rage, we had little means to know what is happening elsewhere. Forget about what was happening in a distant country, we were not even aware of what was happening in our own country. 

Although we had newspapers, radio and television news channels, they were generally very selective about the news they wanted to share with the public. Moreover, most of these mediums were owned by corporates who were under pressure to tow the pro government stand. Once social media made an entry in people’s lives, all this changed. They soon undermined the monopoly of traditional media because of their authenticity, and the speed at which they delivered the news. It became a powerful vehicle of change in society after making people aware about the issues and problems facing them at large. 

For almost one and a half years, social media has kept us informed about the corona pandemic. It is mostly through channels like Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp, we know what measures other countries are taking to control its spread. We also come to know about the extent of infection and the casualties caused by the virus. International organisations such as WHO, UNICEF and UN keep issuing important updates and notifications related to the pandemic, and it is again social media channels that keep us informed. Since the pandemic became more lethal and started taking a heavy toll on human lives, scientists and researchers all over the world have been busy developing an effective vaccine to control it. Social media has continuously kept us in the loop about the development process of vaccines and also about the latest mutants of coronavirus.

Social media has always raised issues of women empowerment and sexual harassment at work places. It was in Oct 2017, when Alyssa Milano, the American actor through a tweet shared about her own exploitation, and asked her followers to do the same. Her tweet soon became viral and got more than 50000 likes and 25000 retweets. That one tweet created the #MeToo movement that spread from Hollywood to Bollywood, and from power corridors of White House to the corporate meeting rooms of Mumbai. Everyday, new revelations came about how rich and powerful men from film industry, business and politics misused their position and openly indulged in sexual harassment of women who came to them for some work or favour. There were countless women who showed courage and resolve and came forward to share their ordeal in the hands of powerful men who were otherwise highly respected in the society. Nobody had any clue that these so called men of honour were actually molesters, rapists and lechers. President Trump was also named by a couple of women for his indecent and disrespectful gestures towards them in the past.

Hashtags are very important tools on social media through which you can reach a larger audience to share your stories. In recent times, issues such as #BlackLivesMatter and #WeAreHere came to the forefront only because of social media. These are type of news that mainstream media don’t find interesting, and so they deliberately avoid them. It is left to the social media where those directly impacted by issues get a chance to speak and express themselves. People also get first hand information from real victims. Sometimes, even the government and the concerned authorities come to know about the problems that people face. Based on these feedbacks, the necessary steps are taken by the officials.

Social media is also used for raising political protests in some countries. #UmbrellaRevolution and #Resist are some of the fine examples. It is also used for charity and benevolence purposes with hashtags such as #IceBucketChallenge. Besides, social media also stood for victims of terror attacks and natural disasters with popularising hashtags like #PrayForParis and #PreyForJapan.

Everyday, one or the other campaign is usually started on social media channels like Twitter and Facebook to raise awareness. Users of such platforms have realised that they can rely on the power of social media to spread their message to a larger audience that will ultimately put pressure on the government to act. This trend will likely continue in the future too because day by day the popularity of social channels is only increasing.

Budget-Friendly Packing Tips for Dubai Movers 

Moving places is an already exhausting task as it is. Whether it’s down the street or across the globe, it can be daunting nonetheless. The additional costs of moving put a further dent in your already drained-out pocket. Moving does not necessarily have to be this heavy on your budget. Hiring movers or a company to do the work for you might seem convenient, but you can get it done by keeping your budget in check. 

Ever wondered how to get free moving boxes in Dubai? Use this guide to navigate through the buzzing city of Dubai and learn how to safely transport your belongings without breaking the bank. Be smart and save big.  

Always Plan Ahead

Before you dive right into your search for moving boxes, make an estimate. Gather all your belongings and take a good look. You need to have an accurate estimate for the number and size of boxes you will need for the moving process. Having a clear idea of your requirements will help you streamline your search, and you will be able to avoid extra hassle and unnecessary expenses.  

Try Asking Around

People tend to move in and out of Dubai quite frequently. Your social circle can be a goldmine you are silently sitting on when it comes to acquiring moving boxes for free. Try reaching out to friends, family, colleagues, or neighbors who have recently moved. They are most likely to have spare boxes. After a move, people are very eager to get rid of their moving boxes. Who knows, you might score some good ones for free!  

Go Online

We are undoubtedly living in a digital age. So why not utilize social media for something other than tireless scrolling? Many Buy and Sell groups on various social media apps have people who just want to do some good. These online communities such as local Freecycle groups are full of generous individuals who would be more than happy to help their fellow citizens out.  

Try online marketplaces such as Dubizzle and Facebook Marketplace. These applications have a section labeled “free”, be sure to explore that avenue too. You can get very affordable deals and just might gain a few boxes for free.  

Visit Different Stores

Most of the stores in Dubai, be they retail stores or grocery stores, receive regular shipments. These regular shipments mean that they have a surplus of cardboard boxes. Many of these stores are willing to give away their extra boxes for free. Try visiting supermarkets, electronic stores, and pharmacies in your area and get to know about their box disposal policies. There is no need for you to be hesitant, they would most likely be happy to get their hands off the excess boxes.  

Reach Out to Recycling Centers

Dubai is a city that is committed to sustainability. This commitment shines through all the recycling centers that are scattered across the city. You can visit these centers and inquire about the availability of cardboard boxes. Chances are, they might have extra boxes that are waiting to be used. On top of saving money, you would also be contributing towards the cause of sustainability. 

Be Resourceful

When preparing for the big move, it would always help to think outside the box (literal and metaphorical). No need to limit yourself to traditional cardboard boxes. Explore other ways to pack. You can consider using soft materials like blankets, towels, clothing, and newspapers to cushion fragile items. They can also be used to fill the empty spaces inside the boxes. Making the most out of what you have goes a long way in cutting down expenses. 

Explore DIY Options

If you have that creative and money-saving touch within you, there are other alternatives for packaging too. Reusing is key. Suitcases, duffle bags, laundry baskets, and garbage bags are good alternatives to cardboard boxes for packing your belongings into. This is not the solution for the packaging of fragile items, but you can always use these tricks to pack non-breakable items. 


Simply put, moving is expensive. But you can streamline this process with some strategic planning and resourcefulness. Use these tips to minimize your financial burden. Finding boxes for the move does not have to leave you with a hefty amount to pay. Prioritize your peace of mind and pack smart to save big.  

Social Commerce Integration – How Shopify Developers Are Crafting the Future of E-Commerce?

Nowadays, social media platforms have become great places where users are getting to know about different products! Not only that but with a click, they are also able to purchase those products directly from social media platforms only.

This trend has paved the way for Shopify stores to enter an area of massive audience interaction, and boost sales accordingly. But how can you successfully imbibe Shopify stores with social media? You’ll need to hire a Shopify developer and Web Designing Company in India for this integration!

So, how can a Shopify developer be successful in this integration journey? Let’s explore and learn!

Why Shopify Over Other Platforms?

This is a common question that every other business owner has at the start of their entrepreneurial journey. Why does Shopify get so much leverage over other platforms?

The reasons are pretty simple-

  • Shopify is synonymous with user-friendliness. You can operate it seamlessly without any technical experience.
  • It has a variety of plans for businesses of all sizes- small, medium, or large. As your business grows, you can easily upgrade the plan and extend the functionalities of your online store.
  • The built-in features offered by this platform eliminate the need for business owners to use separate tools. This helps save a lot of time and money!
  • Shopify makes use of PCI-compliant hosting for keeping the store and customer data safe and secured. Added to that, its monthly subscription fees are competitive enough.

Owing to the massive market here in India, you have to select your tools wisely to ensure maximum profits. That’s one big reason why online businesses here tend to look for agencies offering Shopify development services.

How Shopify Devs Integrate Social Commerce Elements?

Now, let’s see why Shopify developers are referred to as ‘the unsung heroes’ behind an online store!

Excluding the coding field, which every developer has to have sound knowledge of, expert Shopify developers can help your business run seamlessly. Here’s how-

  1. Mobile Optimization

Currently, a majority of internet users browsing through different social media platforms, or sites, use mobile phones to do so. Shopify developers ensure that your business’s social commerce integration is seamless even when accessed through a smartphone.

They test the integration on a variety of screen sizes and devices. This helps them identify any issues that might creep up. They also optimize the page load speed for mobile users, thereby enhancing the shopping experience of internet users significantly.

  1. Analytics And Reporting

Shopify developers don’t just integrate social commerce blindly. They also have the responsibility to integrate analytical tools to keep track of the performance. They help in tracking metrics like the reach of a post, how is its engagement game, and what are the click-through-rates (CTRs).

Not only that but they also help analyze content types that are best resonating with the audience on each platform. Then, they implement their strategies accordingly for the best results and conversions.

  1. Product Data Optimization

Different social media platforms have a different set of criteria when it comes to product data optimization. For instance, the character limit for product titles and descriptions is shorter on Instagram than it is on Facebook.

A web development service consisting of Shopify developers comes in handy at this point. They can successfully customize the titles, and descriptions to tally with the platform’s tonality and style.

  1. Seamless Customer Experience

Do you know who’s the biggest enemy of your online customers? Obstacles that they face on site! Small glitches, poor loading speed, complex navigations, etc. are major turnoffs that might combine with other hurdles, resulting in cart abandonment or increasing bounce rate.

To keep that from happening, integrating Shopify website design becomes crucial. Developers strive to streamline the buying process, especially the “checkout” part! Along with it, they also help integrate social media platforms with secured payment gateways for a quick and one-click checkout!

Why Hire An Offshore Web Development Company?

Setting up an online store can sometimes prove to be very expensive. So, companies prefer to outsource for cost-effectiveness. This is a major factor for you to choose an offshore web development company in India.

They charge much less than what web development companies around the world, especially in the U.S. might do! So, this helps a business owner set up his entire e-commerce store at a budget range, thereby paving ways to maximize profits.