Monocrystalline V/s Polycrystalline solar panels

Solar panels have advanced tremendously over the years, and a variety of novel solar panels are currently being presented to the marketplace. When it comes to installing a solar panel system, there are several factors to consider, one of which is the type of solar panels to choose from. Most solar panels on the market today for residential solar energy systems may be classified into three types: Monocrystalline solar panels, Polycrystalline solar panels, and thin-film solar panels. 

A Monocrystalline solar panel comprises monocrystalline solar cells. Every solar cell consists of a silicon wafer made of silicon crystal. A single crystal is made with the process called the Czochralski method, where a seed crystal is placed over molten pure silicon at a high temperature. A monocrystalline panel consists of approximately 60-72 solar cells, which depends on the size of the panel too. Some of the features of monocrystalline solar panel are:

  1. The cells in a monocrystalline panel follow a pyramid pattern that occupies a larger surface area for more sunlight collection. 
  2. The top surface of the monocrystalline panel is dispersed with phosphorus for developing a negative orientation electrically that helps in creating an electric field. 
  3. For reduction of reflection and increment in absorption, cells are also coated with silicon nitride. 
  4. The electricity produced will be then collected with the help of metal conductors that are printed onto cells. 

On the other hand, Polycrystalline solar panels are also made with silicon. However, despite using a single crystal, the manufacturers melt multiple silicon fragments for the sake of forming solar panel wafers. These solar panels have lower efficiencies in comparison with monocrystalline panels as there are multiple crystals in one cell which makes it difficult for electrons to move freely. Also, these solar panels are less costly because of the easier manufacturing process. Also, as their efficiency is less, they will be required more in number at Indian homes for energy generation purposes.   

How to choose the best solar panels?

Following are some of the points which can be considered while choosing the best solar panels:

  1. Personal leaning: If the colour of solar panels matters on the house roof, then the buyer needs to note that both monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels differ in colour from each other. A monocrystalline solar panel tends to have a black colour whereas a polycrystalline solar usually has a blue color.  
  1. Space Restrictions: Solar Panels with maximum efficiency are preferred if the PV system size is limited by the space availability on the roof. Due to this factor, it will be good for the buyers to spend more but purchase monocrystalline solar panels as they are more efficient and will generate more energy. 
  1. Solar Financing: Buyers also need to consider how they will get financing of their system done. For instance, if any buyer adopts for a power purchase agreement (PPA), then he will pay per kilowatt-hour for the electricity generated by the system. However, if a buyer opts for a monocrystalline solar panel, then it can also generate higher ROI irrespective of higher price. 


Q. Which solar panel is considered the more effective one?

Ans. As Monocrystalline solar panels are known for their higher efficiency ratings and produce more solar energy, it is considered to be the more effective one.